- Agric Insurance
- All Risks Insurance
- Aviation Insurance
- Bond Insurance
- Burglary Insurance
- Business Interruption
- Cash in Transit (Money Insurance) Insurance
- Combined Fire and Theft Insurance
- Comprehensive Motor Insurance
- Contractor All-risk Insurance
- Credit Term Assurance
- Electronic Equipment Insurance
- Fidelity Guarantee Insurance
- Fire and Special Perils Insurance
- Good-in-Transit (GIT) Insurance
- Group Life Assurance
- Group Personal Accident
- Health Insurance
- Householder Insurance
- Keyman Assurance
- Machinery Breakdown
- Marine Cargo Insurance
- Marine Hull Insurance
- Oil and Gas Insurance
- Public Liability Insurance
- Reinsurance
- Third-Party Motor Insurance
- Travel Insurance

Cash insurance is a cover which indemnifies the insured against loss of money. Money includes current coin, Bank and currency notes, cheques, postal orders, and current postage stamps e.t.c.
Prorisk Insurance Brokers Limited
Lighting and insuring your world.
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